Saturday, September 9, 2017

Full video where Afia Schwarznegger was caught by her husband b0nking another man leaks (Video 18+)

So, someone has leaked the video where Afia Schwarznegger was caught
b0nking another man by her husband, Lawrence Abrokwah.
In the video, Afia’s husband budged into the room and caught his wife, Afia red-handed, naked with another man by her side.

In the 2:23 minutes video, Afia’s husband can be heard asking the man whose face cannot readily be identified if he is unaware Afia is a married woman amidst shouts of “Ashaw0! Ashaw0!” to wit prostitute. Out of shame, Afia in defense rushed into the bathroom for a towel to cover herself and asked what he was doing in the house and who invited him..
Afia schwarzennegar
Abrokwah who claims to have in his hand a bottle of liquid substance which he claimed is acid and threatens to empty the contents on both if they fail to cooperate.
The man fearing for his life struggles with Abrokwah briefly and runs away from the room leaving Afia behind who insists she has divorced him because he physically assaulted her.
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